
Editing javascript and css

This project uses webpack for building its javascript and css. To install the dependencies for the build process, run npm install from the root of the repository. You can then run npm run build to rebuild the static files.

Running tests

django-nested-admin has fairly extensive test coverage. The best way to run the tests is with tox, which runs the tests against all supported Django installs. To run the tests within a virtualenv run python from the repository directory. The tests require a selenium webdriver to be installed. By default the tests run with phantomjs, but it is also possible to run the tests with the chrome webdriver by passing --selenium=chrome to or, if running with tox, running tox -- --selenium=chrome. See --help for a complete list of the options available.

Pull requests are automatically run through Travis CI upon submission to verify that the changes do not introduce regressions.

Writing tests

The tests for this project are patterned off of the system that the Django project itself uses for tests (including the changes that are being made in 1.10), so Django’s guide on writing unit tests is a good place to start.

Selenium tests are difficult to write, particularly for complicated user interactions such as drag-and-drop. To assist in writing tests for the functionality of nested inlines, a base TestCase with methods for executing the possible user interactions with inlines (e.g. adding inlines, removing inlines, setting field values, drag-and-drop re-ordering) is provided with base.BaseNestedAdminTestCase.

Depending on what you are trying to test, it might make sense to add the test to one of the existing “test apps” in django-nested-admin. These include:

Integration tests for built-in Django widgets that use javascript, e.g. prepopulated_fields or ManyToManyFields with filter_horizontal.
Tests for nested_admin.NestedGenericStackedInline and nested_admin.NestedGenericTabularInline
Tests that compare screenshots of standard, non-nested inlines using the standard inline classes and their nested equivalents (but without any actual nesting), to ensure that the custom templates, css, and javascript used by django-nested-admin looks the same as their non-nested Django or Grappelli equivalents.
Tests for nested_admin.NestedStackedInline and nested_admin.NestedTabularInline where there is only one “nested” inline (using two levels of inlines, hence “two deep”).
Tests the same things as two_deep, except with inlines nested “three deep.”

If your test requires the creation of new test models, then it may make sense to write a new test app. Create a new subdirectory under nested_admin/tests with an,,, and The test runner will automatically add this to the list of INSTALLED_APPS and execute the tests defined in The tests in two_deep are the most complete, and can serve as a reference for how to use the helper methods for simulating user interactions.