Source code for nested_admin.formsets

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import contextlib

import django
from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.contrib.contenttypes.forms import BaseGenericInlineFormSet
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.forms.models import BaseInlineFormSet
import six
from six.moves import range

if six.PY2:
    from django.utils.encoding import force_text as force_str
    from django.utils.encoding import force_str

    from polymorphic.utils import get_base_polymorphic_model
except ImportError:
[docs] def get_base_polymorphic_model(ChildModel, allow_abstract=False): return None
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def mutable_querydict(qd): orig_mutable = None if getattr(qd, '_mutable', None) is False: orig_mutable = False qd._mutable = True yield if orig_mutable is not None: qd._mutable = orig_mutable
PATCH_FORM_IS_MULTIPART = (2, 1) < django.VERSION < (3, 0)
[docs]class FixDjango2MultipartFormMixin(object):
[docs] def is_multipart(self, check_formset=True): """ Overridden is_multipart for Django 2.1 and 2.2 that returns the formset's is_multipart by default. Parameters ---------- check_formset : bool (default=True) If ``False``, returns the form's original is_multipart value. Exists to prevent infinite recursion in the formset's is_multipart lookup. """ parent_formset = getattr(self, 'parent_formset', None) if check_formset and parent_formset: return parent_formset.is_multipart() else: return super(FixDjango2MultipartFormMixin, self).is_multipart()
[docs]class NestedInlineFormSetMixin(object): is_nested = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NestedInlineFormSetMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if PATCH_FORM_IS_MULTIPART: self.form = type( self.form.__name__, (FixDjango2MultipartFormMixin, self.form), { 'parent_formset': self, }) def _construct_form(self, i, **kwargs): defaults = {} if '-empty-' in self.prefix: defaults['empty_permitted'] = True defaults.update(kwargs) return super(NestedInlineFormSetMixin, self)._construct_form(i, **defaults)
[docs] def is_multipart(self): if not PATCH_FORM_IS_MULTIPART: if super(NestedInlineFormSetMixin, self).is_multipart(): return True else: try: forms = [f for f in self] except: forms = [] if not forms: if hasattr(type(self), 'empty_forms'): forms = self.empty_forms # django-polymorphic compat else: forms = [self.empty_form] for form in forms: if isinstance(form, FixDjango2MultipartFormMixin): form_is_multipart = form.is_multipart(check_formset=False) else: form_is_multipart = form.is_multipart() if form_is_multipart: return True for nested_formset in getattr(self, 'nested_formsets', []): if nested_formset.is_multipart(): return True return False
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): """ Saves model instances for every form, adding and changing instances as necessary, and returns the list of instances. """ self.changed_objects = [] self.deleted_objects = [] self.new_objects = [] # Copied lines are from if not commit: self.saved_forms = [] def save_m2m(): for form in self.saved_forms: form.save_m2m() self.save_m2m = save_m2m # End copied lines from # The above if clause is the entirety of, # along with the following return: # return self.save_existing_objects(commit) + self.save_new_objects(commit) # Iterate through self.forms and add properties `_list_position` # and `_is_initial` so that the forms can be put back in the # proper order at the end of the save method. # # We need to re-sort the forms because we can get ForeignKey # constraint errors if we save nested formsets in their default order. initial_form_count = self.initial_form_count() forms = [] for i, form in enumerate(self.forms): form._list_position = i form._is_initial = bool(i < initial_form_count) forms.append(form) # Perform the sort (and allow extended logic in child classes) forms = self.process_forms_pre_save(forms) form_instances = [] saved_instances = [] for form in forms: instance = self.get_saved_instance_for_form(form, commit, form_instances) if instance is not None: # Copy _list_position to instance instance._list_position = form._list_position # Store saved instances so we can reference it for # sub-instanced nested beneath not-yet-saved instances. saved_instances += [instance] else: instance = form.instance if not self._should_delete_form(form): form_instances.append(instance) # Re-sort back to original order saved_instances.sort(key=lambda i: i._list_position) return saved_instances
[docs] def process_forms_pre_save(self, forms): """ Sort by the sortable_field_name of the formset, if it has been set, and re-index the form positions (to account for gaps caused by blank or deleted forms) Allows customizable sorting and modification of self.forms before they're iterated through in save(). Returns list of forms. """ sort_field = getattr(self, 'sortable_field_name', None) def get_position(form): return getattr(form, 'cleaned_data', {sort_field: 0}).get(sort_field, 0) if sort_field is not None: forms.sort(key=get_position) i = 0 for form in forms: if self._should_delete_form(form): # Skip deleted forms continue original_position = if ("%s" % i) != original_position: # If this is an unchanged extra form, continue because # this form will be skipped when saving if not form.changed_data and not form._is_initial: continue # Set the sort field on the instance and in the form data setattr(form.instance, sort_field, i) with mutable_querydict([form.add_prefix(sort_field)] = six.text_type(i) # Force recalculation of changed_data if django.VERSION > (1, 9): form.__dict__.pop('changed_data', None) else: form._changed_data = None i += 1 return forms
[docs] def get_saved_instance_for_form(self, form, commit, form_instances=None): pk_name = None if form.instance and pk_name = pk_val = None if not form.errors and hasattr(form, 'cleaned_data'): pk_val = form.cleaned_data.get(pk_name) # Inherited models will show up as instances of the parent in # cleaned_data if isinstance(pk_val, models.Model): pk_val = if pk_val is not None: pk_attname = orig_val = getattr(form.instance, pk_attname, None) if orig_val != pk_val: try: setattr(form.instance, pk_name, pk_val) except ValueError: setattr(form.instance, pk_attname, pk_val) if form._is_initial: instances = self.save_existing_objects([form], commit) else: instances = self.save_new_objects([form], commit) if len(instances): instance = instances[0] instance._list_position = form._list_position return instance else: return None
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """ TODO: document this extended method """ if not return super(NestedInlineFormSetMixin, self).get_queryset() if not hasattr(self, '__queryset'): pk_keys = ["%s-%s" % (self.add_prefix(i), for i in range(0, self.initial_form_count())] pk_vals = [ for pk_key in pk_keys if] qs = self.model._default_manager.get_queryset() qs = qs.filter(pk__in=pk_vals) # If the queryset isn't already ordered we need to add an # artificial ordering here to make sure that all formsets # constructed from this queryset have the same form order. if not qs.ordered: qs = qs.order_by( self.__queryset = qs return self.__queryset
if django.VERSION < (1, 9): def delete_existing(self, obj, commit=True): """Deletes an existing model instance.""" if commit: obj.delete()
[docs] def save_existing_objects(self, initial_forms=None, commit=True): """ Identical to parent class, except ``self.initial_forms`` is replaced with ``initial_forms``, passed as parameter. """ if not initial_forms: return [] saved_instances = [] forms_to_delete = self.deleted_forms for form in initial_forms: pk_name = if not hasattr(form, '_raw_value'): # Django 1.9+ raw_pk_value = form.fields[pk_name].widget.value_from_datadict(, form.files, form.add_prefix(pk_name)) else: raw_pk_value = form._raw_value(pk_name) # clean() for different types of PK fields can sometimes return # the model instance, and sometimes the PK. Handle either. if self._should_delete_form(form): pk_value = raw_pk_value else: try: pk_value = form.fields[pk_name].clean(raw_pk_value) except ValidationError: # The current form's instance was initially nested under # a form that was deleted, which causes the pk clean to # fail (because the instance has been deleted). To get # around this we clear the pk and save it as if it were new. with mutable_querydict([form.add_prefix(pk_name)] = '' if not form.has_changed(): if django.VERSION > (1, 9): form.__dict__['changed_data'].append(pk_name) else: form._changed_data.append(pk_name) saved_instances.extend(self.save_new_objects([form], commit)) continue pk_value = getattr(pk_value, 'pk', pk_value) obj = None if obj is None and form.instance and pk_value: model_cls = form.instance.__class__ try: obj = model_cls.objects.get(pk=pk_value) except model_cls.DoesNotExist: if pk_value and force_str( == force_str(pk_value): obj = form.instance if obj is None: obj = self._existing_object(pk_value) if obj is None or not continue if form in forms_to_delete: self.deleted_objects.append(obj) model_cls = type(obj) base_model_cls = get_base_polymorphic_model(type(obj)) if not base_model_cls: self.delete_existing(obj, commit=commit) else: # Special polymorphic delete handling try: self.delete_existing(obj, commit=commit) except base_model_cls.DoesNotExist: pass continue # fk_val: The value one should find in the form's foreign key field old_ct_val = ct_val = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.instance.__class__).pk old_fk_val = fk_val = if original_instance = self.model.objects.get( fk_field = getattr(self, 'fk', getattr(self, 'ct_fk_field', None)) if fk_field: old_fk_val = getattr(original_instance, fk_field.get_attname()) ct_field = getattr(self, 'ct_field', None) if ct_field: old_ct_val = getattr(original_instance, ct_field.get_attname()) if form.has_changed() or fk_val != old_fk_val or ct_val != old_ct_val: self.changed_objects.append((obj, form.changed_data)) saved_instances.append(self.save_existing(form, obj, commit=commit)) if not commit: self.saved_forms.append(form) return saved_instances
[docs] def save_new_objects(self, extra_forms=None, commit=True): """ Identical to parent class, except ``self.extra_forms`` is replaced with ``extra_forms``, passed as parameter, and self.new_objects is replaced with ``new_objects``. """ new_objects = [] if extra_forms is None: return new_objects for form in extra_forms: if not form.has_changed(): continue # If someone has marked an add form for deletion, don't save the # object. if self.can_delete and self._should_delete_form(form): continue new_objects.append(self.save_new(form, commit=commit)) if not commit: self.saved_forms.append(form) self.new_objects.extend(new_objects) return new_objects
[docs]class NestedInlineFormSet(NestedInlineFormSetMixin, BaseInlineFormSet): """ The nested InlineFormSet for the common case (ForeignKey inlines) """ pass
[docs]class NestedBaseGenericInlineFormSetMixin(NestedInlineFormSetMixin):
[docs] def save_existing(self, form, instance, commit=True): """Saves and returns an existing model instance for the given form.""" setattr(form.instance, self.ct_field.get_attname(), ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.instance).pk) setattr(form.instance, self.ct_fk_field.get_attname(), return
[docs]class NestedBaseGenericInlineFormSet(NestedBaseGenericInlineFormSetMixin, BaseGenericInlineFormSet): """ The nested InlineFormSet for inlines of generic content-type relations """ pass